Let junior explore her new-found independence in a safe and respectful way with these guidelines.

If you thought that the “tough” parenting years were behind you after your child left toddlerhood, think again. Raising a “tweenager” is quite an experience. Cue eye-roll.

This stage, from ages 7 to 12, can be a confusing time for junior. Your child is making the transition from being a child to a teenager, which means you may see your happy-go-lucky kiddo go through moody moments and start yearning more independence, make her own decisions, and at times, even snap at you.

While you ought to keep the communication lines with them open and offer support wherever you can, setting rules and boundaries will also give her an idea of how she ought to behave, plus it allows you to be that positive influence in this crucial moment of her life.

Your child will have to face the consequences if the rules are broken.

Before introducing these rules, it may be a good idea to sit down with your child and discuss what these entail. Discuss and come to an agreement with her about consequences. She should not feel like she is being targeted by the rules.

Note that you will have to be consistent in applying them. Your child will have to face the consequences if she breaks the rules. If you foresee problems administering the directives, you may even want to draw up a simple contract for your child to sign.

Finally, explain and help your child understand that you put the rules in place to help her make the right choices and to show her that you care for her, and not a reason for you to mete out punishment.

Need some help drawing up the rules? We have you covered.

Infographic: Rachel Lim


Main photo: iStock

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